Monday, January 11, 2010


Alright..It is now January 11th.  How many of us have fallen of our goals already?  I know in the past 4-5 days that I have. 

What are your Excuses?  The weather?   My job?   The kids?  I don't feel well?  I just don't have the time!  Well these are some of mine also.  But what does it really mean? .  They are excuses.  Websters offers a definition as: 

an explanation offered as a reason for being excused1. to regard or judge with forgiveness or indulgence; pardon or forgive; overlook (a fault, error, etc.): 2. to offer an apology for; seek to remove the blame of:  3. to serve as an apology or justification for; justify: .4. to release from an obligation or duty

Ok, now that we understand what it is.  Lets do something about it.   One thing we can do is to be creative.  We all have to juggle time so he have to find it.  Example:  Today I had to take the car into Firestone to be worked on which is two miles away.  I could have waited the 2-3 hours  for it.  But I dressed correctly and jogged the 20-25 mins home.  I had every excuse to stay there and read a book: (it is 20 degress out,  I don't want to jog back., The car wont take that long at the shop,  etc.)  I sucked it up  zipped up my running jacket and jogged the 20 mins back home.  I was creative.  I made time.  On top of it I will eventually get in a 4 mile run.   2 miles there and two miles back .  I also picked up and extra hour and twenty mins to two hours in my day by not cooling my heels in the service shop.

 I admit it I was lazy the past 4 days.  I did not work out.  I did not feel well.  I did not like the cold.  I did not want to run in the snow.  It is OK.  You do not have to let your entire goal of better health be side lined because you fell off the wagon for a week..  Get up. Dust yourself off and find a way to fix it.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Roll yourself out of bed 15 min earlier and do some exercises.  Take the kids sled riding.  Go with them,  don't just drop them off.  They will actually have fun with you.  If you are creative and find the time to workout and do something for yourself,  I gaurantee you will feel better about yourself.

It is worth it!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Weight loss and The Power of the Written Word.

When asked: "What one thing helped me to loose the weight most?" It is easy.

Food Diary!

When I started with my trainer, he asked me to do a food diary. I was too write down everything that I put into my mouth and when. I also had to track my exercise for the day and what I was feeling. I had to email it to him at the end of every day he would comment on it and send it back the next day.

Easy right? NO!

First of all I had no idea how little I knew about food and nutrition. Also try to remember every thing you put in your mouth. Everything! Try it! What did you eat yesterday? New Years Eve? Every taste. Every Sip of water. When you did it and how much. Why did you put it in your mouth? What was the benefit too you for eating of drinking what you did? How did or how will it effect you? How did it make you feel. Did you need to do it? How many ounces of water did you drink? Did you exercise? When and how long?

Even if you are not as lucky or you don't want to pay someone to comment on what you eat. The benefit of writing down every thing you eat and drink is crucial to loosing weight and more importantly getting healthy. I think you will find that it is hard to do. It will make you to start to think about that half ounce lick of peanut butter off the end of the butter knife making your child's lunch. It counts! For me I also started to think how my trainer was going to comment on what I ate. Because he held me accountable for what I ate. He would explain the good and the bad. He would answer all of the questions above. The information I gained was invaluable.

Doing a Food Diary is not just a way to loose weight. It is a lifestyle change. You will start to see the patterns, making it easier to pinpoint your problem areas. You also have to do it for at least 30 days. Everyday. Make it a habit. You will find that you will go back and read what you did. You will make mistakes. You will cheat. Its OK. But you will see it. The diary will help you get back on track. You will train your brain to think about what you are putting into your mouth and why. It will become second nature.

As I said, you do not have to pay money to do this. But for me the benefit was that I needed the discipline. I needed someone to ask me why I didn't do my diary for Thursday (the New Years Eve party were I drank and ate too much)? lol. Also the knowledge I gained was incredible. I would suggest doing it with someone like I did. You can connect with my trainer by cliciking on the Love Street Living Foods Link on my page. He even has free information for you, But even if you don't, you will see a huge change in your life even if you do it on your own.

It is worth it!